How and when to plant tubers?

What are tubers?

In the world of flower bulbs we classify many crops under bulbs, such as the tubers of a dahlia . These are fleshy rhizomes, but are often called flower bulbs. The gladiolus tubers are also generally classed under flower bulbs. Each crop is planted differently.

One species is winter hardy and can be planted in the ground in winter if the weather permits, while the other species should be kept in a cool place until the weather warms up.

How do you plant a dahlia tuber?

How do you plant a dahlia? Tubers such as those of a dahlia are planted in such a way that the old cut stem of the previous year points upwards. You dig a hole around mid-May that is just a little deeper than the tuber itself and spread the tuber parts over the ground. Make sure that the tuber, excluding the old stem, is covered with soil by about 2 to 5 centimeters.

The planting distance is 40 centimeters.

Dahlia tubers bed

Do you also want a sea of ​​dahlia flowers? Dig a large hole like in the picture below and plant many tubers together. In this way you can even place the tubers 30 centimeters apart for a compact flowering.

Organic dahlia tubers bed

How do you plant gladioli?

Gladiolus corms are flat discs with usually growth points of new roots around the core of the corm on the bottom. At the top, usually around the planting time in May, after the Ice Saints, the new shoot is located. The corm is planted at least 3 times as deep as the corm itself is high and 3 times as far apart as the corm is wide.

Gladiolus tuber from the Floriologist

How do you plant calla tubers?

The tubers of a calla usually consist of multiple small tubers that seem to have grown together. The bulbous side is also the top and usually during the planting time in May, after the Ice Saints, the new shoots are visible around the circles that are visible in the photo.

Top of a calla tuber on Plant the tuber at least 5 centimetres under the ground. A calla produces roots from the top of the tuber and not from the bottom. This allows it to absorb sufficient water for exuberant flowering during the warm summer days.

How do you plant an agapanthus?

An agapanthus is a special case. It is a tuber, but also a rhizome at the same time. It is therefore a perennial, but only if the winter allows it. Organic agapanthus tuber from The tuber is best grown indoors in a pot from March. This gives the chance that it will not only flower in the summer, but also in the autumn if it is a warm summer. Place the plant in the garden after the Ice Saints.

The tubers are also preferably divided every 5 years. You can then cut between the new growth noses with a sharp knife or a saw. The photo clearly shows what that looks like. You can also see green dots on the top of the tuber. These may just stick out above the ground when planting the agapanthus.

How do you plant crocus corms?

People sometimes talk about "crocus bulbs", but in fact crocuses grow from corms. The corms are planted in the ground in the fall. The planting depth is 2 to 3 times the height of the corm and the planting distance is 2 to 3 times the width of the corm.

How do you plant the tubers of a saffron crocus?

The saffron crocus is an autumn bloomer and is planted in the summer or at the latest on 15 October, so that it will flower that same autumn. Plant the tubers 15

How do you plant a saffron crocus?

centimetres deep in the ground. The saffron crocus dies off annually and, like other crocuses, makes new corms at the top of the old corm. As a result, the plant grows upwards underground each year and must be replanted 15 centimetres deep after a few years. The corms can also be divided apart at the same time.

How to propagate a saffron crocus


Well, dirty hands of the Florist from planting and digging with his hands...

You can also order a bulb planter or other garden tools from the Vegetable Garden Shop to make the work a little easier.

This heat germinator is also a dry bloomer. You don't have to plant her in the ground to get her to bloom. Even then, she can produce 2 flowers per tuber, as in the photo below. It is advisable to plant her quickly in the ground during flowering so that she can still charge up some strength and perhaps bloom again the following year.

Organic dry flowering saffron crocus from

How do I plant the winter aconite tubers?

The tubers of the Eranthis, also known as winter aconite , should be soaked in water for half a day before planting them in the ground. This will allow the tubers to soak up water and root faster and better. The tubers are small, round and black and often consist of two sides. The bottom is smooth and the top has a wart-like structure, from which the plant grows. The tubers can be planted all year round.

How to plant winter aconite tubers

How do I plant anemone tubers?

The same as above applies to the anemone. These tubers look very similar to the tubers of the winter aconite.


How do you plant anemone tubers?

Order tubers

At Bloemoloog you can order organically grown tubers all year round. We offer tubers for both summer bloomers and spring bloomers.

Skal no: 109459

Our philosophy is that what you put in the ground should contribute to a better planet; Besides the fact that flowers are a beauty to the eye, they contribute to a habitat for insects such as butterflies and bees. In this way we can contribute to a healthy eco-system on our planet with sufficient bio-diversity.

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