How and when to plant perennials?
What are perennials
Perennials have a life cycle of several years. They survive the winter period by letting their above-ground parts die off and store energy in their roots or tubers. They emerge again in the next growing season.
There are numerous types of perennials available, varying in size, shape, bloom time, flower color, and leaf texture. They often have different seasonal characteristics. For example, some perennials bloom in the spring, while others bloom in the summer or fall. This allows you to have a colorful and blooming garden throughout the growing season with the right selection of perennials.
Can I plant perennials in winter?

In the winter you can plant hardy perennials such as strawberry plants or sage in the ground. The roots of strawberries are thin, but very robust. These can be planted in the ground immediately after purchase and home delivery, regardless of whether it will freeze again.
When planting, leave the top of the rhizome sticking out of the ground a bit. Keep a distance of 20 centimeters from plant to plant.
Planting Peony Rhizomes
The rootstocks of a peony , also called rhizomes (rhizoma),
plant so that the new pink shoots that are already visible are just above the ground. A peony does not like to be deep in the ground. This causes problems in flowering. It is best to pull the rhizome up a bit after a few years so that it does not sink too deep.
The rhizomes are extremely hardy so planting is possible from autumn to spring. Keep about a meter distance from plant to plant, the peony can grow to an enormous size after years.
How do I plant the roots of perennials with green on them?

The long, thin roots of a kniphofia, which can remain green all winter, are planted in such a way that all the roots are just covered with soil and the green leaves are above ground. This ensures that the green leaves do not rot away because of the moist soil.
They can be planted all year round because the carrots are extremely winter hardy.
Care of perennials
In general, perennials are relatively easy to maintain. They usually require regular watering, fertilization, and pruning. However, some species may have more specific care requirements.
Because perennials last for several years, they contribute to the sustainability of a garden. They reduce the need for annual replanting, which is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
Perennials can also help improve soil quality. Their root systems help retain moisture, prevent erosion, and enrich the soil with organic matter as they die and decompose.
Buy organic perennials
The Bloemoloog works exclusively with Skal-certified growers. This allows you to confidently plant perennials that will provide insects with food for many years.
When can I order perennials?
On the perennials in root form can be ordered from January to June. Delivery takes place from the beginning of March during the planting season.
Buying perennials at the market
From January to June, the roots of the perennials can be picked out from the mesh boxes on the market . Visit us at one of our events and make it a fun day.

Skal no: 109459
Our philosophy is that what you put in the ground should contribute to a better planet; Besides the fact that flowers are a beauty to the eye, they contribute to a habitat for insects such as butterflies and bees. In this way we can contribute to a healthy eco-system on our planet with sufficient bio-diversity.