Collection: Stinzen plants

What are stinzenplants?

Stinzenplants are a specific group of plants that mainly occur in historic gardens, estates and parks in the Netherlands. They are perennial bulbs and tubers that mainly bloom in early spring. Stinzenplants owe their name to the stinzen, or fortified country houses, where they were originally planted.

These plants were introduced in the 16th century by wealthy estate owners and originate from Central and Southern Europe. Over the years, these exotic plants have become natural and established in Dutch nature. Stinzenplants contribute to biodiversity and provide colorful flowers in the spring.

My grandfather Stins often told me about these plants and flowerbulbs because of our last name.

Stinzenplants and their location

Stinzenplants are popular because of their propagating effect. But where does which stinzenplant thrive best? Below we discuss a number of well-known Stinzen plants and their location.

Stinzenplants for shade

  • Wood hyacinth: The wood hyacinth was previously also called scilla and is available in different colours. It prefers to be in partial shade or shade.
  • Leucojum: Also known as 'spring snowflake' (vernum) or its variant; 'Aestivum' as a summer snowflake, which looks a lot like a snowdrop. It prefers to be in partial shade or shade.
  • Snowdrop: The snowdrop comes in different varieties and has bell-shaped flowers. These can be in partial shade or shade.

Stinzenplants for full sun

  • Fritillaria: Fritillarias also come in different types. These prefer to be in partial shade or full sun.
  • Crocus: Crocuses bloom from February onwards and can therefore be planted under deciduous trees, but they also do well in full sun.
  • Tulips: Tulipa 'Sylvestris' is a 'woodland tulip', but blooms best in partial shade or in the sun.

How can I order organic flowerbulbs from stinzenplants?

You can find organic flowerbulbs in our webshop or at our market stall buy from stinzenplants. We only work with Skal-certified growers so that we can offer you the highest possible quality flowerbulbs. The Bloemoloog is your specialist in organic flowerbulbs.

Order your organic flowerbulbs easily and quickly in our online store. These can be ordered as a pre-order from June and will be delivered in September during the planting time.

Of course you can also find us at various markets and fairs. Here we proudly present our organically grown flowerbulbs from stinzenplants. The flowerbulbs are available separately at the market. No pre-packed bags! This means that you can combine according to your own taste and that the best quality can be selected from the box.

Spring-flowering bulbs

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  • There is a wide range of flower bulbs that bloom in spring and mark the beginning of spring! In early spring you can enjoy beautiful flowers such as winter aconites, crocuses, daffodils, muscaris, star of Bethlehem and wood hyacinths. As spring progresses, the tulips and ornamental onions will take over the show and fill your garden with their display of colour.

    Benefits of organic flower bulbs

    When you choose organic flowerbulbs you can be sure that no chemicals and pesticides end up in the garden. These pesticides are harmful to bees and ensure that bees can no longer find their way to a nesting site. As a result, more and more bee species have been added to the red list in recent years. Together we can do something about this!

    Important for wild bees

    Did you know that there are wild bees that lay eggs in their nests that hatch in early spring? These newborn insect helpers immediately start looking for food in the environment. There are also insects that have hibernated and are in dire need of a hearty breakfast; the blooming flowers where nectar and pollen can be found! Just after winter there is little green and edible food available for these insects and planting early flowering flower bulbs ensures that there is food and the insects can gain strength for the summer to come.

    Tips for a flowery garden

    Plant different types of flowers, each with its own flowering time so that flowers bloom throughout the spring and there is food for bees and other insects in the garden. Do you also want to arrange your garden/box in such a way that you can enjoy flowers and the bees throughout the spring? Feel free to send us a message or ask us at the market stall, we are happy to help you! Also aim for more biodiversity in the garden and enjoy the first flowers and colors in the garden after the cold and dark winter!

    Organic growers

    The organic growers we work with grow not only the most beautiful, but also the strongest products. The growers grow varieties and types of flowers and plants that experience has shown are virus resistant, so that they do not have to use chemicals and pesticides. The organic grower looks for natural remedies and solutions against diseases and/or pests. All our flower bulbs are controlled organic; Both we as a florist and the growers have a SKAL certificate.

    Planting time

    You can plant the spring-flowering flower bulbs from autumn to the end of December. Flower bulbs that need to be removed from the ground after flowering are removed from the ground from the end of July and stored until the new planting time in the autumn.

  • Spring bloomers are flowers that bloom in the spring, between January and May. There are many different types of spring flowering bulbs that are suitable for different types of gardens and soil types.

    Spring bloomers in the sun

    Many spring bloomers need a lot of sun to bloom and grow well for the following year. These flowers can be planted in full sun:

    • Crocus
    • Daffodils
    • Tulips

    Spring bloomers in the shade

    Some spring bloomers also grow and bloom well in the shade, such as:

    • Bluebells
    • Scillas
    • Winter aconite

    Spring bloomers in moist soil types:

    • Fritillaria (Meleagris)
    • Leucojum
    • Narcissus 'Poeticus'


    There are many different types of spring flowering bulbs that are suitable for different types of gardens and soil types. Whether a spring flowering plant can grow in the sun or shade depends on the specific species. Some people like to stand in dry soil and others prefer wet feet. So there is a suitable spring bloomer for every garden.

    Harvest time

    The flower bulbs are removed from the ground by the grower around July, after flowering. Products are first dried so that they can be stored properly until they can be planted in the fall and the bulbs can retain their quality. The flower bulbs are available from August to December at the Bloemologist.

    Order flower bulbs

    Pre-sales for spring flowering flower bulbs will start from March 1 in our webshop.

    During the pre-sale you can order your desired products from us, so you can be sure that your favorite is still in stock and we will send your package as soon as everything is complete.

    The flower bulbs ordered in the pre-sale will be delivered in mid-September. From this moment on, the flower bulbs can be planted directly in the garden or in containers on the balcony.

    Below you will find all our organically grown flower bulbs and tubers that bloom in the spring from January to July.

    Hopefully there is something nice for you!

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